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Start of a promising co-operation on the CleverGuard Virtual Kickoff Meeting

János Csébfalvi

April 20, 2021

The CleverGuard consortium held its first meeting on April 19-20 2021, this time virtually, due to the known circumstances in Europe, and elsewhere.

A highly energetic and intrinsically motivated, international team has launched an innovative, non-invasive digital solution, based on monitoring electrical data, to support the elderly to live longer and more independently. During the well-prepared meeting, consortium members from four countries agreed on working together and setting the agenda of cooperation for the next 2 years. Co-creation is an integral part of the CleverGuard project, which is why technical aspects and the early involvement of potential users, and business aspects were also discussed by the consortium partners during the virtual gathering. "It was an exciting experience to see how a diverse team of people, with the various background, can work together, brainstorm, discuss, agree for a shared goal. I have very positive feelings about the upcoming project period when we really will co-create something which can help thousands of elderly people and their caregivers," says @Janos Csebfalvi, GM at Inspiring Culture Ltd. (Hungary). The benefit for elderly people is as well for Nerisa Banaj from the Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS (Italy) the focus of the project: "We had the opportunity to have a very productive exchange with all partners. The project is very challenging, but I believe that it will be a good solution for our elderly. Enthusiastic about being part of it!".

The CleverGuard project got the green light from the funding agencies to start end of 2020. Based on a consortium agreement - which formalizes the co-operation between parties - the participating organizations successfully applied at the local funding agencies (National Contact Points - NCP-s). The reactions of some participants represent the mood of the successful meeting. "A very competent and engaged consortium. We already work on first actions and start making the vision of CleverGuard real," says Daniel Bolliger, Highly Specialised Senior Research Associate, iHomeLab. His Research Associate, Benjamin Vera, added: "We have the opportunity to combine very different skill sets to develop a product that helps us to take care of the beloved ones."

Co-creation is a key factor for CleverGuard, so different members of the consortium will work with the same technology. "I am excited to create a new product from the existing basis of Clemap, and meet new, interesting people in other countries," says Michaela Christ from Vicino Luzern. Gino Agbomemewa, CEO at CLEMAP AG (Switzerland), adds, "I am impressed by the variety of the consortium and the attention to different points of view. From health to ethics, to technical experts."

Now the project will concentrate on the first deliverables to keep the CleverGuard project on track from the very beginning.

About CleverGuard

The CleverGuard system uses the electric energy consumption of the household to recognize the activities of the residents and comprises a smart meter that can be easily retrofitted on existing electric installations at low costs. A cloud/IoT system, including sophisticated data analytics, detects the appliances through their specific electric load signature and infers from the residents' activities. The CleverGuard detects deviations from the normal daily/weekly routine activities, and depending on the criticality, an alert to relatives and/or formal caregivers is issued. Abnormal activities hint at critical situations and potential upcoming risks for the residents. The CleverGuard research and development project is funded by the Active & Assisted Living (AAL) Programme and the member organizations.

About Active & Assisted Living Programme (AAL)

AAL is a funding program that aims to create a better quality of life for older people and strengthen industrial opportunities in healthy aging technology and innovation.

The AAL program is a funding instrument co-financed by the member countries and the European Commission.

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