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The 1st BeEmTel Multiplier Event - Innovative management of chronic conditions through telemedicine

The Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry @Fondazione Santa Lucia

Jun 13, 2022

The Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry @Fondazione Santa Lucia presented the #AAL #CleverGuard Project

The CleverGuard project and our technical solution were very appreciated and sparked the interest of the broad audience.
It is important to discuss and disseminate the role of telemedicine solutions in healthy aging and chronic conditions. Thanks to the University of Thessaly and to the University of Eastern Piedmont for this opportunity. It was great to share new and innovative ideas with other health care professionals and students. Stay tuned for next CleverGuard’s updates! #AAL, #ihomelab, #IOT; #internetofthings; #HSLU; #fondazionesantalucia; #ErasmusPlus #ChronicDiseases

#AAL #CleverGuard Project

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